Eight-year-old Gizzell “Gizzy” Ford loved school immensely. This was not only because she got As in all of her classes, but also because she could not stand to stay at home. According to People Magazine, every day for Gizzy was filled with abuse from her father, Andre Ford, and Grandmother, Helen Ford.
No one knew how much Gizzy had been abused until her diary surfaced. According to the diary she was not allowed to drink anything, including water and was starved. If she was caught sneaking sips of water from the toilet, she was punished. Her horrible punishments including her having to stand for hours with rags in her mouth to stifle her crying.
Some of the journal entries read,
“I know if I be good and do everything I’m told I won’t have to do punishments.”
“I hope that I don’t mess up today because I really want to be able to just sit down, watch T.V., talk and play with everybody, I am going to be great all day,” later adding, “Not true, I failed.”
The last entry in the diary was, “I hate this life because now I’m in super big trouble.” The day after this entry, Gizzy had been strangled and beaten to death by her grandmother. She was only wearing a torn underwear when her body was found.
Helen Ford was charged with first degree murder. Andre Ford was also arrested and charged. Even though Andre Ford had a debilitating illness, causing him to be bedridden, he still could have found a way to get up and abuse his daughter. He died in prison awaiting trial.
The Cook Country Judge on the case, Evelyn Clay said, “That child suffered a slow and agonizing death. That little body looked like it had been pulverized from head to toe. … Her treatment (of Gizzy) was evil.”
Helen Ford’s lawyer said, “She was unable to overcome what she had on her plate. Is she guilty of not asking for help? Absolutely. … Is it first-degree murder? It is not.”
Ford was found guilty and will most likely spend the rest of her life in prison.