We have come up with thirteen guidelines to make sure you stay happy and healthy on your next flight!
1. Don’t drink coffee or tea! The water used to make these beverages could be loaded with bacteria! Get your caffeine fix before you board the plane!

2. Respect the personal space of your fellow passengers. That one really needs no further explanation – right?

3. Be courteous to the hard-working flight attendants. There are plenty of other cranky people they have to deal with, the least you can do is not be a jerk!

4. Avoid carbonated beverages. The change in air pressure will make the gas expand and leave you feeling less than ok! Drink water, stay hydrated.

5. Wear your headphones! The person next to you will appreciate that you have them while playing that annoying video game!

6. Be sure to get up at stretch your legs at some point, this will help prevent blood clots from forming.

7. Seat pockets are nasty! So, don’t use it to store any personal items.

8. Bring a pillow from home! Germ-free and more comfortable!

9. Tray tables are a breeding ground for germs! Stock up on antibacterial wipes!

10. Do you know how many people have touched that SkyMall magazine?! Bring your own reading materials and avoid the germs!

11. Airplane food isn’t really all that great – right?! Bring your own healthy snacks.

12. Avoid seats near the bathroom – seems like a good plan!

13. Most important – bring some hand sanitizer! You never know when you may need it!

Share away, people.