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Mother Issues A Brutally Honest Warning Regarding What She Fed Baby, Pays A Heavy Price

A Georgia mother went online to share what she fed her baby boy, thinking it was a valuable warning for other parents about what to avoid. Although she thought she was being helpful with her advice, others saw something completely different and made the mother immediately regret her brutal honesty.

Chanda Peck said that she was just looking out for other parents when she shared her sickening experience on social media, which quickly backfired on her for all the wrong reasons. The mother of a baby boy was repulsed by what she found in her son’s baby formula, but now she’s the one who paid the price from both the company and consumers.

The mother made her son the same bottle of Gerber Good Starts Soothe Formula that she’s always made him, and since he’s old enough to hold it himself, he was drinking it when she turned around to prepare the rest of his bottles for the day. Chanda reached in and scooped a heaping dose of additional formula for the next bottle when she saw worms in the same mix her son was currently guzzling down.

“That thing’s crawling around down there. It’s disgusting. There’s no other way to describe it,” Chanda told WSBTV. She grabbed the bottle from him, but it was too late. The little boy got sick shortly after she took the infested formula from him.

Since it was a new can, she was sure that the bugs came from the factory and took it up with Gerber. However, the company wasn’t receptive to her complaint and refused to divulge where the formula was manufactured. To make matters worse, was the scathing criticism from strangers she got when she posted about it online.

Rather than seeing her post as a helpful heads up about this popular product so others don’t accidentally feed their baby larvae, sanctimonious mommies took it as an opportunity to rip Chanda apart, telling her she got exactly what she deserved for choosing the bottle over the breast.

“It’s amazing that people want to shame me because I came forward about this but not the company who is responsible,” Chanda relied to her litany of haters. “It’s not about the bug. It’s about the fact that the company didn’t seem to think my child was of concern.”
Chanda addressed the breastfeeding comments, “It’s not about breastfeeding. Not about bashing other people. I was trying to get a message out so other parents can make sure it’s not happening to them,” she concluded.

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