The most important job of any parent is to protect their child from danger.
Holly’s partner drove her two children to the park, and 3-year-old Connor and 11-month-old Cameron were securely strapped into their car seats – or so it seemed.
In any case, Cameron would not have survived, but the suffering and pain would have been spared if the doctors had turned off the ventilator.
Holly did not want to see her son suffer, and a few days later he died in his mother’s arms.
At just 11 months old, Cameron needed to sit with his back facing the direction of travel, but Holly didn’t know that.
“Parents and caregivers should have the right seat for the child’s age and they should install it according to the manufacturer’s instructions”.
According to safety instructions: “a baby up to the age of at least one year must sit in a car seat with his back facing the direction of travel. Even if the child’s weight has exceeded 9 kg, he must sit with his face still facing against the direction of travel in the car. This is because the bones and tendons of the neck are not developed enough and the head is heavy relative to the body, and in the event of an accident there may be serious damage to the spinal cord and head. Sitting against the direction of travel provides the child with the best possible protection”.
Two weeks before the accident, Holly took a picture of Cameron sleeping in his car seat with the direction of travel. At the time, Holly didn’t know that the seat should be facing the opposite direction of travel.
If she had been aware, her son might be alive today.
Watch the video about Cameron and his tragic life: