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The Boy Allegedly Dies After His Mother Lies About Sending Him To Mexico For Treatment While Starving Him And Locking Him In The Closet For More Than Three Years

Mother of 11-year-old boy is accused for allegedly hiding her son locked in a closet for more than 3 years and starving him do death.

According to the court reports, there was enough evidence against Veronica A. to stand trial in connection with the death of her son.

When police found the boy, he appeared to be several years younger of his actual age as a result of severe malnourishment. The boy was with special needs and allegedly that was the reason why the mother kept him like that.

The charge carries special circumstance allegations of torture and child abuse causing death, according to online court records, making her eligible for the death sentence if found guilty.

The body of the boy was discovered in a closet in a one-bedroom home where Veronica lived with her three other children as well as boy’s step-father.

At the time of his death, the boy weighed just 35 pounds and his body was riddled with pressure sores, which are typically caused by immobility; often, they can be found on elderly nursing home patients, coma patients and those confined to a wheelchair.

According to the step-father, Veronica often called her son “evil” and allegedly lied about the boy’s whereabouts, telling him and other relatives she sent him away to Mexico for treatment.

Veronica now faces life in prison if convicted of the first-degree murder of her son with special needs.