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There’s A Horrible Reason Why You Should NEVER Buy Rotisserie Chickens From Grocery Stores….

According to a recent study, rotisserie chickens are most popular among younger shoppers, but it is also purchased across all ages, incomes, and regions of the country. It doesn’t seem like the rotisserie chicken is going anywhere anytime soon.
But what is more alarming, a recent study has found that rotisserie chicken might have more going on than just chicken. Yes, they put chemicals on your favorite rotisserie chicken to make it look fresh and tasty.
Here is a report from AWM via Yahoo News about the recent study:

Now, Consumer Reports has conducted a deep-dive investigation into 16 different rotisserie chicken offerings from across America. The group analyzed the product sold at seven supermarkets (Kroger, Publix, Safeway, Stop & Shop, Walmart, Wegmans, and Whole Foods), three club stores (BJ’s Wholesale Club, Costco, and Sam’s Club), and one fast-casual chain restaurant (Boston Market), according to a report on Yahoo News.

The study did not examine chickens that had been flavored. Instead, they studied only the items that were plain or original.

The findings were surprising because a rotisserie chicken might have more going on than just chicken.

“You can’t assume that all rotisserie chicken is just a plain cooked chicken,” says CR nutritionist Amy Keating, RD.

One reason for this is that stores do something to their chickens before roasting them. Here’s what the National Chicken Council has to say about that.

“Essentially, all rotisserie chickens are enhanced with a solution [injected into the bird] to keep the birds moist and tasty,” says Tom Super, senior vice president of communications for the National Chicken Council.

This injection often includes “unhealthy” things like sugar plus processed ingredients that you might rather avoid. There are also plenty of “natural” ingredients stuffed into these birds. These birds are often loaded with far more salt than you’d ever add at home.

“Natural flavors aren’t necessarily as natural as you might think, and you should generally try to avoid processed ingredients as much as possible,” Keating said.

This means that in the end, it’s way better for us to just roast a chicken at home. Thankfully, it’s barely any work, and the end product is still delicious and juicy.

“If a company made it, it tastes good, and they don’t obnoxiously advertise how healthy it is, it’s not healthy. Even if they do try to sell it as healthy, it’s probably still not healthy. Sure, you can make healthy food, but it’s more profitable if it plays off of our natural cravings; salt, sugar, and fat.” Dennis Lee commented.