Jalan Alston, a teenager from New York, vanished on Friday after jumping into hazardous ocean waters in New Jersey to save his two companions. Jalan…
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Cat Lover accused of homicide after trampling a man in order to save the feline
Hannah Star Esser, a California lady, ran over Luis Anthony Victor with her automobile while she thought he was running over a cat, instantly killing…
16-Year Old Becomes the Youngest to Circumnavigate Earth in an Airplane
A 16-year old British boy is nearing the final leg of his five month adventure to become youngest person to fly around the world solo.…
Hero Cat Saves Owner Who was Having a Heart Attack by Pounding its Paws on Her Chest
A hero cat saved his owner’s life by pounding his paws on her chest to wake her up after she suffered a heart attack. Sam…
Granny Notices Baby’s Milk Looks Dark, Once Green Ring Forms, She Suspects The Worst
There are times that stories are so crazy and sick that you can’t believe that they are real. It is very sad that there are…
These identical twins were not born in the same year… How is this possible?
A Californian woman gave birth to twins who were almost 20 minutes apart. It would appear to be nothing unusual. However, the girl arrived 18…
Woman Promises to Come Back Soon but Returns Twelve Years Later after Leaving Her Father in a Wheelchair on the Road…
Oliver noticed an elderly man in a wheelchair waiting for somebody in the street. He gave him food and offered to help, but the man…
It’s Over: Husband of Marjorie Taylor Greene Calls It Quits
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s husband has filed for a divorce after being married to Marjorie Greene for over 27 years. As of now, there are…
Trevor Noah Out at The Daily Show
Trevor Noah is leaving the Daily Show. Noah has hosted the Comedy Central show for the last seven years, taking over for Jon Stewart. He…
Former Democrat Representative Sentenced to Prison for Stuffing Ballot Boxes in Philadelphia
But wait… I thought there was no such thing as election fraud?! A former Democrat representative has been sentenced to 30 months in prison. Why?…